Browsing All Posts published on »August, 2011«

Honduras: 17 year old student, Nahum Guerra, killed on the battlefront for public education

August 28, 2011


Nahum Guerra, 17 years old, in his second year of agronomy studies at the “Pompilio Ortega” Agricultural School in Macueliso, Santa Barbara, was assassinated on August 22nd at 7:00pm while on shift with other student colleagues at the front gate of his college on the international western highway. Nahum and his student colleagues had taken […]

Vice president of MUCA Killed this Weekend in Honduras

August 22, 2011


The Vice President of MUCA, Pedro Salgado and his wife, Reina Mejía, were killed on Sunday 22 in their home in the town of La Concepción around 7:40 pm. A few days ago Secundino Ruiz, president of MARCA was killed during a visit to the city of Tocoa with the group’s treasurer. “Today, August 20th […]

President of the Cooperative San Isidro, Aguán, assassinated

August 22, 2011


Secundino Ruiz, president of the cooperative San Isidro, was killed in San Isidro, Tocoa, Columbus, around 11:30 am on Saturday, August 20. The now deceased campesino leader was driving a vehicle, together with the treasurer of the cooperative, Eliseo Pavón, when he was shot several times by individuals who were driving a motorcycle. Eliseo Pavón was only slightly wounded and is in his home, according to sources. The cooperative San Isidro started a  legal fight against Miguel Facussé […]

Reports on Violence in Bajo Aguan Fail to Capture Complexity of the Conflict

August 21, 2011


By the Witness for Peace International Team, Nicaragua Early this week, several major news outlets ran stories concerning continued violence in the Bajo Aguan region of Honduras. The current Lobo administration in Honduras increased military presence in the area over the last few days following several violent attacks that left close to a dozen people […]

Denunciation from MUCA-MI: We Reject the Defamation Campaign

August 17, 2011


The Unified Campesino Movement of the Aguan – Left Bank (MUCA-MI), in our struggle for a real and true application of integral agrarian reform, DECLARES to Honduran Society, the International Community, and National and International Human Rights Organizations that: 1. Sunday, August 14, 2011 between five o’clock and eight o’clock in the morning (5:00 AM […]

11 people dead after clash over land in Honduras

August 16, 2011


TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Authorities in Honduras say 11 people have been killed in a clash over land in the Central American country’s north. Police spokesman Julio Benitez says two peasants and four guards at the Paso del Aguan ranch died Sunday when 300 peasants armed with machetes and automatic rifles tried to take over the […]

Another Campesino Murdered: Two more in police custody

August 14, 2011


Early this morning, Sunday August 14, campesinos from the Movimiento Campesino Colonia Nueva Vida de Rigores, occupied the Empresa Palmera Panama, ten minutes from the community Rigores in Trujillo, Colon.  Shortly afterwards palm company security forces and the military launched an attack, opening fire on the campesinos, killing 17 year old Javier Melgar.  Authorities in […]

Canada backs profits, not human rights, in Honduras

August 13, 2011


by Todd Gordon On Friday Aug. 12, Stephen Harper became the first foreign leader to visit Honduras and meet with President Porfirio Pepe Lobo since the country was readmitted to the Organization of American States (OAS) June 1. This shouldn’t be a point of pride for Canada, however; it reflects a very dangerous and problematic […]

Honduras, Canada to Sign Free Trade Agreement

August 10, 2011


Tegucigalpa, Aug 9 (Prensa Latina) Honduras and Canada will sign a free trade treaty on Friday that will open up both countries’ markets to traditional and non-traditional exports and boost investment. The treaty will be signed by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Honduran President Porfirio Lobo, according to a government press release. The treaty […]

CDM Registers Facusse’s Dinant Corp., Cannot Verify HR Issues

August 10, 2011


During its July meeting in Marakesh the CDM Executive Board, which is a UN entity (UNFCCC), decided that it could not withdraw registration for Honduras’ Dinant Corporation (owned by Miguel Facusse) on allegations that it lacks logistics to review claims on Human Rights abuses at the field level. According to a media article: “Martin Hession, […]

Harper Trades in Human Rights for Economic Concessions in Honduras

August 9, 2011


Investment and trade interests trump Human Rights concerns in Honduras Prime Minister Stephen Harper has undertaken a tour through Latin America with stops reportedly including Honduras. The goal according to Harper is “expanding and enhancing market access to create jobs, economic growth, and opportunities for Canadians”. Some believe he will take the opportunity to announce […]

The Honduran Regime’s Homophobia

August 3, 2011


“On August 1st, LGBT organization Arcoiris (“rainbow”, in Spanish), in an act of celebration in honor of their anniversary, carried out a march demanding respect for and recognition of the rights of all people within the LGBT community. The event ended with the symbolic celebration of a gay wedding in front of the National Congress […]