Browsing All Posts published on »July 12th, 2011«

Father Fausto Milla and his assistant flee Honduras

July 12, 2011


The death threats against Father Fausto Milla, a commissioner with the Commission of Truth, and his assistant Denia Mejía have escalated recently, resulting in their decision to leave the county this Friday. They said good-bye to fellow Hondurans during a press conference at the Committee of Families of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH). […]

OAS coup report implicates Honduras in 20 slayings

July 12, 2011


By Freddy Cuevas TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras—The Honduran government violated human rights by causing the deaths of 20 people in the seven months after the 2009 ouster of President Manuel Zelaya, an Organization of American States report said Thursday. Eight of the 20 victims were assassinated and 12 others were killed during street protests, an OAS committee […]

Honduras’ very own war on terror

July 12, 2011


The state uses propaganda to justify eliminating civil rights because of the threat of ‘terrorism’. by Belén Fernández A few months after the 2009 coup d’etat against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, I was approached on the street in Tegucigalpa by a man who threatened to kill me unless I produced an economic incentive sufficient to […]