War without masks

Posted on March 31, 2011


by Juan Almendares

– (Experimental torture laboratory against the people)
– The river of truth flows through a bed of lies (R. Tagore)

Since the military coup, Honduras  has been converted into a laboratory for conspired war and media terror where military occupation forces conspire with Pentagon forces, Colombian military and police, hired security guards private, national and international intellectual sponsored by the U.S., European and Latin American extreme right.

The plan is to abort any process of democratization and freedom, in order to transform our country into a political and ideological platform for military aggression against the people of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and any country aligned with ALBA.

Following the call to a National Strike for March 30, by the National Front for Popular Resistance (FNRP), peasant organizations, workers, women, feminists, the community for sexual diversity, artists, students, teachers, university professors, and various resistance movements protested in solidarity with the national teacher´s organization and protested against multinationals that have been behind the coup forces.

Protests were held in several vital points of the country by: blocking roads and bridges, planting demonstrations before the Supreme Court of Justice, at the National Autonomous University of Honduras and the Pedagogical University of Francisco Morazan.

It is estimated that more than a hundred people were affected by tear gas, persecution, torture, detention and fire weapons.

The assault of Alma Mater and the Pedagogical University by military and police forces, with the resulting brutal repression of students, occurred with the silent conspiracy of university authorities.

The most important areas of the National Strike were: Dulce Nombre de Copan, Chiquila, Santa Bárbara out west; Santa Cruz de Yojoa y Potrerillos in Cortés and El Progreso, Yoro.  North of the country: San Pedro Sula y Ceiba, Tegucigalpa in the center, and south of the country: Choluteca and Aguan near the atlantic coast.

In Planes, Aguan sector, department of Colon, about a thousand people gathered with the presence of approximately 400 farmers, members of MUCA (the Aguan Unified Peasant Movement), representatives of MCA (Peasant Movement of Aguan) and teachers.

Farmers were defending land rights and public education

For three hours the peaceful protesters were subject to shots aimed at the body, over three hundred canisters of tear gas, and then multiple gunshots from Galil rifles and nine millimeter pistols. According to one account, a hail of bullets was whistling in their ears.

Preliminary reports account for six MUCA members wounded: Neftalí Espinal, Franklin Hernández, Víctor Manuel Euceda, Paulino Chávez y Antonio Vásquez.

An MCA farmer was severely beaten, and two teachers were wounded: Elías Nieto y Waldina Meléndez.

Some of the victims were hospitalized but the military and police did not respect hospital norms and without respecting their traumatic condition, continued to violate their rights.

According to a farmer, a security guard with a shotgun was confused by repression forces with the protesters and was shot. Three policemen were also victims of trauma during the confrontation.

While this barbarity occurred, a military, police, private guards and gunmen hired by landlords, evicted a group of farmers in “La Aurora” who failed to confront the terror spread by the repressive forces, but with continue to defend their land claims which rightfully belong to them.

Repressive forces and the media war justify impunity for the attacks and torture committed, under false and perverse claims grounds of the foreign presence of Cubans, Venezuelans and Nicaraguans.

This programmed war articulated by the media campaign, aims to experiment with physical and psychological torture, crimes against humanity, the use of lethal toxic weapons in closed spaces and shots aimed at the body causing victim burns and even death.

In the name of democracy, god, and the defense of the oligarchy and multinationals´private property, people were assaulted like human waste or worthless things.

The perpetrators of violence no longer need to hide their faces with hoods nor gas masks. Sooner or later they will too suffer the impact of toxic gas.

The essence of this aggression against the people is Truth without Masks! behind which hides the fascist ideology and practice of faithful servants to the oligarchy and multinational capital.

Only with organization, resistance, mobilization and unity of all our people, articulated with international solidarity, can we build a new society where Honduras again be ours and of “Our America”.

SOURCE: Revistazo.biz