CDM Registers Facusse’s Dinant Corp., Cannot Verify HR Issues

Posted on August 10, 2011


Miguel Facussé

During its July meeting in Marakesh the CDM Executive Board, which is a UN entity (UNFCCC), decided that it could not withdraw registration for Honduras’ Dinant Corporation (owned by Miguel Facusse) on allegations that it lacks logistics to review claims on Human Rights abuses at the field level.

According to a media article: “Martin Hession, the European chairman of the CDM Executive Board, said in an emailed statement that – as much as the board deplores the allegations of human rights abuses, it is “not equipped” to investigate whether they are true-.”
And adds “This is despite the well-documented land conflicts, serious human rights abuses and a complete impunity which have been documented by many organizations amongst which FIAN Honduras and FIAN International. Twelve more peasants have been reported killed in the Bajo Aguan valley in the last four months alone”. From the recent past there is evidence as well that Dinant security guards have killed peasants in the region.

As a mandate from UNFCCC the CDM Executive Board (CDM EB) supervises the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism under the authority and guidance of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.

The EB is where Dinant Corporation hands in its applications for “Carbon Credits” and it is this entity that continues to support Miguel Facusse, so far with around 60 million dollars, despite continuous allegations channeled through Biofuels Watch and CDM Watch by a number of Human Rights organizations denouncing and continuously confirming the attacks by both Miguel Facusse and its Dinant Corporation against peasants in Honduras.

SOURCE: Red Morazánica de Información